Goals of this Talk

  • Understand why typing is good for mental health
  • Get a language-independent idea of the concepts
  • Catch a glimpse of some more advanced topics
  • Some practical hints
  • Finally: See some Haskell! 🤭

Why is typing good for me?

  • It helps to catch errors early: “If it compiles, it runs.”
  • It covers all of the code, not just the tested part.
  • Testing doesn't really scale.
  • Testing doesn't prove that your code is correct.
  • Equally important: Checked documentation!
  • Less important: Better code generation

SW Engineering Economics

A good programming language doesn't make it easy to write correct programs. It makes it hard to write incorrect ones. (Jón Fairbairn)

The same holds for many related things: Libraries, frameworks, type systems, etc.

Resaon: SW is written only once, but read, debugged, extended, and refactored dozens of times.

Various Degrees of Typing

  • Blindingly obvious (Haskell's System.IO module):
    openFile ∷ FilePath → IOMode → IO Handle
  • Less obvious (IEEE Std 1003.1™-2017 a.k.a. POSIX):
    int open(const char *, int, ...);
  • Totally arcane (Python library documentation):
    # 2 long pages of prose:
    # blah blah blah blah open blah blah blah file blah blah
    # blah mode blah blah blah example blah blah blah blah
    # blah note blah blah example blah blah buffering blah


Comments are a sign of our inability to express our thoughts in code. (Robert C. Martin a.k.a. Uncle Bob)

So let's express more things in code! Use types instead of naming conventions or comments, which are incorrect and/or outdated most of the time, anyway.

Quotes, part II

When people say “but most business logic bugs aren’t type errors,” I just want to show them how to make bugs into type errors. (Matt Parsons)

In other words, avoid code like:

def foo(id: int, what: str, why_not: Any, flag: bool):
    # ...

Code smell: Primitive obsession

Quotes, part III

While most programmers are concerned with getting more of their code to compile, we type-level programmers are trying our best to prevent code from compiling. (Sandy Maguire)

Always remember: Types are there to help you, not to annoy you. When you are “fighting the type checker”, you are actually fighting your very own code.

What is a type?

Simple, but mostly sufficient view:

  • Typing: Naming things by its intended use
  • A type is just a set of values.
  • The type of a function is an abstract description of what the function does.

Much more complicated stuff is possible, e.g.:

  • Domain theory
  • Category theory


Some Python examples:

_HOSTS: dict[str, Any] = {}

def connect(user: UserType | None,  # old: Optional[UserType]
            force_authuser: UserId | None) -> None:
    # ...

Some Haskell examples:

pi ∷ Double
pi = 3.1415926535

answer = (41 ∷ Integer) + 1

magnitude ∷ RealFloat a ⇒ Complex a → a
magnitude c = ...

Notation, part II

Some Rust examples:

enum IpAddrKind { V4, V6 }
struct IpAddr { kind: IpAddrKind, address: String }

fn valid(addr: &IpAddr) -> bool { ... }

valid(IpAddr{ kind: IpAddrKind::V4,
              address: "".to_string() });

Some TypeScript examples:

type IpAddrKind = 'V4' | 'V6';
type IpAddr = { kind: IpAddrKind; address: string };

function valid (addr: IpAddr): boolean { ... }

valid({ kind: 'V4', address: '' })

Checking vs. Inference

  • Type checking verifies your claims: Write down some types ⇒ type checker confirms that your code fits.
  • Type inference figures out all involved types itself: Great! We don't need to write down all that stuff, but still get all the advantages of checking!
  • Hindley/Milner/Damas type system (60s to 80s) figures out the most general type and is complete.
  • Even with inference, writing down types can help the reader of your code, i.e. YOU!
  • You can write down more concrete types if wanted.

Limits of Type Checking

Slightly frustrating theoretical result:

Rice's Theorem: All non-trivial, semantic properties of programs are undecidable.

But approximations are good enough in practice.

Nevertheless: There are always programs which don't go wrong, but are rejected by a type checker.

The alternatives are worse: Non-terminating checker, lying checker, ...

Some Sum Types

In Python:

class Bool(Enum):
    FALSE = 0;  TRUE = 1
Color = Enum('Color', 'RED GREEN BLUE')
BoolOrColor = Bool | Color  # not really a new type
AgeOrShoeSize = int | int   # not really tagged
# Before Python 3.10, use Union[X, Y] instead of X | Y

In Haskell:

data Bool = False | True
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
data BoolOrColor = MkBool Bool | MkColor Color
data AgeOrShoeSize = Age Int | ShoeSize Int
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- type constructor with args
data Either a b = Left a | Right b -- *the* sum type
foo = bar False (MkBool True) 4711 (Just 42)  -- example

Some Sum Types, part II

In Rust:

enum Bool { Yay, Nay }
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }
enum BoolOrColor { Bool(Bool), Color(Color) }
enum AgeOrShoeSize { Age(u16), ShoeSize(u16) }
let boc = BoolOrColor::Bool(Bool::Yay);
let aos = AgeOrShoeSize::Age(32);

In TypeScript:

type Bool = 'yay' | 'nay';           // not really a new type
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }
type BoolOrColor = Bool | Color;     // not really a new type
type AgeOrShoeSize = number | number;// not really tagged
let boc: BoolOrColor = 'yay';        // string w/o annotation
boc = Color.Green
const aos: AgeOrShoeSize = 32

A Better Sum Type

A more type-safe variant of AgeOrShoeSize:

class AgeOrShoeSize:

class Age(AgeOrShoeSize):
    def __init__(self, a: int):
        self.a = a  # We can even add validation here...

class ShoeSize(AgeOrShoeSize):
    def __init__(self, s: int):
        self.s = s  #  ... and here!

More verbose than int|int, but now we can distinguish 42, Age(42), and ShoeSize(42)!

Cardinality of a Sum Type

Scary words for a simple concept:

  • The cardinality of a type \(T\) (written as \(|T|\)) is the number of possible values in \(T\).
  • If a sum type \(A\) consists of types \(B_1, B_2, \ldots\), its cardinality is \(|A| = \sum_{i=1}^n |B_i|\), hence “sum” type!
  • For our previous examples: \(|BoolOrColor| = |Bool| + |Color| = 2 + 3 = 5\) \(|Maybe\ a| = 1 + |a|\), e.g. \(|Maybe\ Color| = 4\)

Some Product Types

In Python:

# Not really a new type, just our old (,,) friend
Coord3D = tuple[float, float, float]

# At least the fields have a name now...
NameAndAge = namedtuple('NameAndAge', 'name age')

# Look, mom: Fields have a name *and* a type!
class BoolAndColor(NamedTuple):
    b: bool;  c: Color

# A full-blown class, could even validate arguments
class Pair:  # not the full story, more on this later...
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a;  self.b = b

Some Product Types, part II

Note: Types created by namedtuple and NamedTuple are subclasses of tuple, leading to some obscurities:

bac = BoolAndColor(True, Color.RED)
b = bac[0]          # This one looks easy, but...
x = bac[funny(42)]  # ... what type does x have?
for y in bac:
   ...  # Even worse: y's type will change during looping!

Data classes: Mutable NamedTuples with defaults

@dataclass     # lots of configuration options possible here
class Person:  # not related to tuple, not indexable
    age: int;  name: str = "Baldrick"

p = Person(age=75, name="Tony")  # with kwargs
p.age = 42                       # mutable by default
p = Person(11)                   # positional + default

Some Product Types, part III

In Haskell:

data Coord3D = Coord3D Float Float Float
data BoolAndColor = BoolAndColor Bool Color
data Pair a b = Pair a b  -- already built-in as (a, b)
-- usage:
f = g (Coord3D 1 2 3) (BoolAndColor True Red) (Pair 1 'a')

In Rust:

struct RGB { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8 }
let color = RGB { r: 11, g: 22, b: 33 };

struct Coord3D(f32, f32, f32);      // tuple struct, new type
let point = Coord3D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); // e.g. point.0 is OK

struct WTF { what: String, why_not: Vec<f64>, flag: bool }

Some Product Types, part IV

Excursion: Why does Rust have enum and struct?

enum Foo { Bar { x: i32, y: f32 } }  // just 1 variant
let b = Foo::Bar { x: 42, y: 3.1 };  // effectively a struct

It's just syntactic sugar for a common case:

struct Bar { x: i32, y: f32 }
let c = Bar { x: 42, y: 3.1 };

Strictly speaking, struct is not necessary, but it's handy and expresses the intention more clearly.

Some Product Types, part V

In TypeScript:

type RGB = { r: number; g: number; b: number };
const rgb: RGB = { r: 1.0, g: 2.0, b: 3.0 }

type NameAngAge = [string, number]    // tuple type
const lk: NameAngAge = ['Lemmy', 70]  // e.g. lk[0] is OK

But something is different in TypeScript...

type RG = { r: number; g: number };
const rg: RG = rgb

More about this later.

Cardinality Again

If a product type \(A\) consists of types \(B_1, B_2, \ldots\), its cardinality is \(|A| = \prod_{i=1}^n |B_i|\), hence “product” type!

For our previous example: \(|BoolAndColor| = |Bool| \times |Color| = 2 \times 3 = 6\)

Something is still missing...

We have already seen sum types and product types, what might be missing? sum ⇒ product ⇒ ...?

Repeating addition gives you a product, and repeating multiplication gives you exponentiation.

But what is an exponential type? A very scary name, but you have seen them in action before: Functions!

But what is the connection with exponentiation?

One more time: Cardinality

Consider total functions of the type:

def f(b: bool) -> Color:
    # ...

How many of those can you write?

You can map False to any of the 3 colors, the same holds for True, so there are \(3^2 = 9\) possible functions.

In general: \(|a \to b| = |b|^{|a|}\), hence “exponential” type!

Putting the Pieces Together

In general, an algebraic data type is a sum of products.

In Haskell:

data Shape = Circle { center ∷ Coord2D, radius ∷ Float }
           | Rectangle Coord2D Coord2D -- without field names
           | Polygon { points ∷ [Coord2D] }
           | ParametricCurve { f ∷ Float → Coord2D }

In Rust, enum is your swiss army knife:

enum Shape {
    Circle { center: Coord2D, radius: f32 },
    Rectangle(Coord2D, Coord2D),       // without field names
    Polygon { points: Vec<Coord2D> },
    ParametricCurve { f: fn(f32) -> Coord2D },

ADT variations

In TypeScript you use a shared tag field and a union:

type Loading = { state: 'loading' };
type Failure = { state: 'failure'; code: number };
type Success = { state: 'success'; response: string };
type State = Loading | Failure | Success;

In OO languages without union types, you have to revert to subclassing:

class Shape:

class Circle(Shape):
  def __init__(self, center: Coord2D, radius: float) -> None:
        # ...

ADT variations, part II

How can you implement ADTs in Python?

  • Of course subclassing works here, too.
  • Another option is to use union types, using the types of the alternatives as tags.
  • Avoid overlapping types in unions.
    class Circle: ...
    class Rectangle: ...
    Shape = Circle | Rectangle  # 👍
    What = str | None
    WhyNot = str | What | list[str] | list[What]  # 🙀

    Which alternative is "x"? What is ["y"]? Or [] 🤷

Deconstructing Values

Constructing values for algebraic data types is easy: Call one of their constructors. 😲 But how can we get back their parts?

An elegant way is pattern matching, which mirrors the construction of values.

area ∷ Shape → Float
area (Circle _ r) = pi * r * r
area (Rectangle (Coord2D x1 y1) (Coord2D x2 y2)) =
    abs (x1 - x2) * abs (y1 - y2)

Can be checked for exhaustiveness and redundancies.

Deconstructing Values II

In OO languages you can use abstract methods:

class Shape(abc.ABC):
  def area(self) -> float: ...

class Circle(Shape):
  def area(self) -> float:
    return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

class Rectangle(Shape):
  def area(self) -> float:
    return (abs(self.point1.x - self.point2.x) *
            abs(self.point1.y - self.point2.y))

Pro: Keeps e.g. Circle stuff together.

Con: Tears area stuff apart.

Deconstructing Values III

Another OO option: Type dispatch by hand

def area(s: Shape) -> float:
    # s has type Shape here
    if isinstance(s, Circle):  # Must be visible to mypy!
        # narrowing: s has type Circle in this branch
        return math.pi * s.radius * s.radius
    if isinstance(s, Rectangle):
        # narrowing: s has type Rectangle in this branch
        return (abs(s.point1.x - s.point2.x) *
                abs(s.point1.y - s.point2.y))
    # ... aaaand s has type Shape again! (for unions: rest)
    raise TypeError(f"D'oh! 💩 {s}")

Pros and cons are switched: Now the area stuff is kept together, but e.g. the Circle stuff is torn apart.

Deconstructing Values IV

Pattern matching is possible in Python ≥ 3.10, too:

def area(s: Shape) -> float:
    match s:
        case Circle(radius=r):
            return math.pi * r * r
        case Rectangle(point1=Coord2D(x=x1, y=y1),
                       point2=Coord2D(x=x2, y=y2)):
            return abs(x1 - x2) * abs(y1 - y2)
        case _:
            raise TypeError(f"D'oh! 💩 {s}")

This is much easier to read and less error-prone than if cascades. A lot more fancy stuff is possible (guards, OR patterns, sequence patterns, ...) see PEP 634.

Deconstructing Values V

Pattern matching in Rust:

fn area(s: &Shape) -> f32 {
    match s {
        // struct matching of an alternative
        Shape::Circle { radius, .. } => PI * radius * radius,
        // tuple struct with nested struct, giving names
        Shape::Rectangle(Coord2D { x: x1, y: y1 },
                         Coord2D { x: x2, y: y2 }) => {
            (x1 - x2).abs() * (y1 - y2).abs()
        ... // rest of the alternatives

Handy if/let combination for a single case:

if let Shape::Circle { center, radius } = s { ... }

Deconstructing Values VI

No direct support for pattern matching in TypeScript, so you have to do the dispatch by hand via the tag:

function describe (s: State): string {
  switch (s.state) {
    case 'loading':
      return 'still loading'                // s: Loading
    case 'failure':
      return `failed with ${s.code}`        // s: Failure
    case 'success':
      return `responded with ${s.response}` // s: Success

Note the type narrowing going on here. Déjà-vu? 😉

Excursion: Visitor Pattern

For a variation of the first technique (via abstract methods), you can use the visitor pattern: Define the dispatching once and for all, so you can easily hook in functionality later.

From Scott Meyer's “My Most Important C++ Aha! Moments...Ever”:

Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.

Excursion: Type Guards

Type dispatch by hand in Python has some problems:

  • To do narrowing, the type checker must directly see the isinstance() calls, tests for None, etc.
  • Not everything is expressible in a simple static way.

Solution since Python ≥ 3.10: Type guards, which are predicates which return typing information instead of a plain bool.

Same idea available in TypeScript under the name “type predicates”.

Type Guards, part II

Python example, no cast() or Any needed:

def is_str_list(x: object) -> TypeGuard[list[str]]:
    return (isinstance(x, list) and
            all(isinstance(e, str) for e in x))

def hurzify(x: object) -> None:
    if is_str_list(x):
        x.append("hurz")  # x has type list[str] here...
    # ... and just object again after the if.

TypeScript example:

function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish {
  return (pet as Fish).swim !== undefined;

Multi-Parameter Functions?

XX XX XX say: Unary functions are all we need!

Idea: Instead of a n-ary function, use a unary one returning yet another (n-1)-ary function.

In Python:

f = lambda x, y: x + y         # f(1, 2) ⇒ 3
g = lambda x: lambda y: x + y  # g(1)(2) ⇒ 3

In Haskell:

f ∷ (Int, Int) → Int
f = λ(x, y) → x + y   -- f (1, 2) ⇒ 3

g ∷ Int → Int → Int   -- same as: Int → (Int → Int)
g = λx → λy → x + y   -- g 1 2 ⇒ 3


Can we automatically convert f into g and vice versa?

Yes, we can! In Python:

def curry(f):
    return lambda x: lambda y: f(x, y)

def uncurry(g):
    return lambda x, y: g(x)(y)

# curry(f)(1)(2)  ⇒ 3
# uncurry(g)(1,2) ⇒ 3

i.e. the “uncurried” function f and the “curried” function g are isomorphic (“of equal shape”), they differ only superficially. Notation: fg

Currying, part II

All functions are curried in Haskell, so you can e.g. shift the equals sign around:

f1 = λ(x, y) → x + y
f2 (x, y) = x + y

g1 = λx → λy → x + y
g2 x = λy → x + y
g3 x y = x + y

There is no need to add trailing parameters just for passing them on (η-conversion):

inc1 y = g 1 y
inc2   = g 1

Partial Application

inc2 is an example of partial application, i.e. giving a function only some of its arguments.

Very useful technique:

lookup ∷ [(String, Int)] -> String → Maybe Int
lookup pairs key = ...

socialIds ∷ [(String, Int)]
socialIds = [("John Doe", 1234), ("Jane Doe", 5678)]

getSocialId ∷ String → Maybe Int
getSocialId = lookup socialIds

Partial Application, part II

Because Python doesn't offer currying out of the box, you have to write the glue code for yourself or use the functools module (much better!).

from functools import partial
sub = lambda x, y: x - y
foo = partial(sub, 100)  # foo(3) ⇒ 97
dec = partial(sub, y=1)  # dec(3) ⇒ 2

Similar helper for methods (partialmethod) plus much more: Caching, dispatching, ... Have a look!

Partial Application, part III

C++ has a general way to bind parameters via placeholders, partial application is just a special case.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std::placeholders;

bool gt(int x, int y) { return x > y; }

int main() {
    auto gt42 = std::bind(gt, _1, 42);
    auto lt42 = std::bind(gt, 42, _1);
    auto lt   = std::bind(gt, _2, _1);
    std::cout << gt42(3) << lt42(9) << lt(3, 4) << std::endl;
    return 0;


Same alternative as everywhere: Good ol' lambdas...

Type Isomorphisms

We have already seen that curried and uncurried functions are effectively the same thing, with curry and uncurry converting between them.

Can we generalize this to other types s and t?

Yes, we can! We need to find 2 functions with:

to   ∷ s → t
from ∷ t → s
id_s = from ∘ to  -- must be identity on s
id_t = to ∘ from  -- must be identity on t

If this holds, s and t are isomorphic (st).

Isomorphism Example I

Show that the following types are isomorphic:

data AgeOrShoeSize = Age Int | ShoeSize Int
data Foo = Foo Bool Int  -- effectively (Bool, Int)

to ∷ AgeOrShoeSize → Foo
to (Age a) = Foo False a
to (ShoeSize s) = Foo True s

from ∷ Foo → AgeOrShoeSize
from (Foo False a) = Age a
from (Foo True s) = ShoeSize s

So AgeOrShoeSizeFoo. Which one do you prefer?

Fun fact: The type Int is not relevant, so we have just proved that a + a = 2 × a, but more on this later...

Isomorphism Example II

Show that the following type and a are isomorphic:

data Bar a = Bar (() → a)

to ∷ Bar a → a
to (Bar f) = f ()

from ∷ a → Bar a
from x = Bar (λ() → x)

So there is no distinction between a value and a (pure) program computing this value.

Another fun fact: We have just proved that a1 = a.

Type Synonyms

Often we want a short notation for our existing types.

“typedefs” and “type aliases” in C++ :

typedef int Age;  // old-skool for: using Age = int;
using Names = std::vector<std::string>;

“Type aliases” in Python:

Permissions = dict[str, int]

“Type synonyms” in Haskell :

type ShowS = String → String

Type Synonyms, part II

“Type aliases” in TypeScript:

type ID = number | string;

“Type aliases” in Rust :

type Point = (i32, i32);

Doesn't create new types, just a kind of macros. Continuing the Rust example above:

type AgeAndShoeSize = (i32, i32);
let p: Point = (12, 34);
let a: AgeAndShoeSize = p;  // looks weird, but works

Data Type Renamings, part I

Often a type synonym is not enough, so we really need to create a new type, but still keep the overhead low.

Age = NewType('Age', int) # effectively a 'subclass' of int
                          # creates def Age(x: int): return x
def to_str(a: Age) -> str: ...
def from_str(s: str) -> Age: ...

x = to_str(42)            # Error!
y = to_str(Age(42))       # OK
z = from_str('one') + 12  # OK, but questionable
print(type(Age(42)))      # ⇒ <type 'int'>


Types constructed by NewType keep the underlying representation, they are just a marker for the type checker. Use at least this instead of type synonyms!

Data Type Renamings, part II

Haskell's newtype creates a real, brand-new type with the same representation:

newtype Age = Age Int

to_str ∷ Age → String
to_str a = ...

from_str ∷ String → Age
from_str s = ...

x = to_str 42            -- Error!
y = to_str (Age 42)      -- OK
z = from_str 'one' + 12  -- Error!

If you want to lift some operations of the wrapped type (e.g. equality), you can use a deriving clause.

Data Type Renamings, part III

In Rust you can use a one-element tuple struct to emulate a data type renaming:

struct Age(i32);
let age = Age(42);

Accessing the wrapped value is possible in two ways:

let age_prim1: i32 = age.0;  // tuple access, slightly dirty
let Age(age_prim2) = age;    // pattern matching, nicer

TypeScript doesn't have a built-in mechanism, but emulations with “unique symbol” are possible.


  • Literal translation: “of many shapes”
  • Various aspects of what this means regarding types
  • Various kinds of polymorphisms exist.
  • Each kind can be useful in its own right.
  • Different kinds of polymorphisms can be mixed.

Ad Hoc Polymorphism

  • Also known as “overloading”
  • Functions with the same name can do different things depending on the types of their arguments.
  • Featured in e.g. C++, Rust, Haskell, Java
  • Can be emulated in Python via isinstance
  • Can be avoided/implemented via renamings

Ad Hoc Polymorphism II

In C++ overloading is resolved via the parameters and const-ness of a function, not via the return type.

struct Foo {
    int bar(float x) { return 42; }
    void bar(const char *c) { /* format hard disk >:-) */ }
    const char *bar(float x) const { return "Hi!"; }

All overloads should better be related semantically somehow, otherwise things get really confusing.

Overload resolution gets quite “interesting” with implicit conversions and multiple parameters...

Excursion: Name Mangling

Traditional linkers don't really understand C++, so the compiler has to dumb down the names a bit. You can use “nm --syms” to inspect object files:

0000000000000000 T _ZN3Foo3barEf
0000000000000010 T _ZN3Foo3barEPKc
0000000000000020 T _ZNK3Foo3barEf

Adding the “--demangle” flag, you get:

0000000000000000 T Foo::bar(float)
0000000000000010 T Foo::bar(char const*)
0000000000000020 T Foo::bar(float) const

Look up the gory details in the Itanium C++ ABI! 😱

Ad Hoc Polymorphism III

mypy offers a way to improve types of “overloads”:

def bar(x: float) -> int: ...  # just for mypy, not runtime

def bar(x: str) -> None: ...   # just for mypy, too

def bar(x: float | str) -> int | None:
    if isinstance(x, float): return 42
    if isinstance(x, str): return None
    raise TypeError()

i: int = bar(3.14)      # doesn't work without @overload
n: None = bar('Hurz!')  # this neither

Avoid this: You can easily lie in the @overloads, and mypy will still be happy. Remember Rices's theorem!

Type Class Variations

Sometimes something less ad hoc is more preferable:

class Greeter(Protocol):
    def hi(self) -> str: ...

class Gangsta:
    def hi(self) -> str: return 'Yo wazzzup, Bro?'

class Bavarian:   # NOTE: A Bavarian is not a Gangsta!
    def hi(self) -> str: return 'Servus!'

def meet(g: Greeter) -> None: print(g.hi())

meet(Gangsta())   # OK
meet(Bavarian())  # OK
meet(42)          # ERROR, ints can't say hi...

Tons of predefined protocols: Iterable[T], Sized, ...

Type Class Variations, part II

Traits in Rust are basically the same idea:

trait Greeter { fn say_hi(&self) -> String; }

struct Gangsta;
impl Greeter for Gangsta {
    fn hi(&self) -> String { "Yo wazzzup, Bro?".to_string() }

struct Bavarian;
impl Greeter for Bavarian {
    fn hi(&self) -> String { "Servus!".to_string() }

fn meet(g: &impl Greeter) { println!("{}", g.say_hi()) }

meet(&Gangsta);   // OK
meet(&Bavarian);  // OK
meet(&42);        // ERROR, trait bound not satified

Type Class Variations, part III

Type classes originated from Haskell (1989):

class Greeter a where { hi :: a -> String }

data Gangsta = SchoollyD | IceT
instance Greeter Gangsta where { hi _ = "Yo wazzzup, Bro?" }

data Bavarian = Alois | Sepp
instance Greeter Bavarian where { hi _ = "Servus!" }

meet :: Greeter a => a -> IO ()
meet g = putStrLn (hi g)  -- cooler: 😎 meet = putStrLn . hi

meet IceT  -- OK
meet Sepp  -- OK
meet 42    -- ERROR

“How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc”

Parametric Polymorphism

What is the most general type of swap?

swap (x, y) = (y, x)

All of the following signatures would be OK:

swap ∷ (Int, Bool) → (Bool, Int)
swap ∷ (Char, Double) → (Double, Char)
swap ∷ (Float → Bool, String) → (String, Float → Bool)
-- etc. etc.

But none of these is really satisfying, we would like to state something more general...

Parametric Polymorphism II

Observation: swap doesn't really care about the actual types of the first and second part of the pair.

It works for all types contained in the pair, but it doesn't only swap the values, it swaps the types, too.

Idea: Types can have parameters, just like functions:

swap ∷ (a, b) → (b, a)

The type variables are implicitly universally quantified:

swap ∷ ∀a b. (a, b) → (b, a)

Parametric Polymorphism III

In Python: Same idea, but a bit more ceremony due to legacy/syntactical reasons:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

A = TypeVar('A')
B = TypeVar('B')

class Pair(Generic[A, B]):
    def __init__(self, fst: A, snd: B) -> None:
        self.fst = fst
        self.snd = snd

def swap(p: Pair[A, B]) -> Pair[B, A]:
    return Pair(p.snd, p.fst)

Parametric Polymorphism IV

Same idea in Java, but type variables are more local:

class Pair<A, B> {
   public A fst;  public B snd;
   public Pair(A fst, B snd) {
      this.fst = fst;  this.snd = snd;

public class Main {
   public static <X, Y> Pair<Y, X> swap(Pair<X, Y> p) {
      return new Pair<>(p.snd, p.fst);

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Pair<Integer, Boolean> p = swap(new Pair<>(true, 42));

Parametric Polymorphism V

Generic data types, functions and traits in Rust:

struct Pair<A, B> { fst: A, snd: B }

fn swap<A, B>(p: Pair<A, B>) -> Pair<B, A> {
    match p {
        Pair { fst, snd } => Pair { fst: snd, snd: fst },

fn swap<A, B>(p: Pair<A, B>) -> Pair<B, A> {
    let Pair { fst, snd } = p;
    Pair { fst: snd, snd: fst }

fn swap<A, B>(Pair { fst, snd }: Pair<A, B>) -> Pair<B, A> {
    Pair { fst: snd, snd: fst }

Parametric Polymorphism VI

Remember: (Pure & total) functions must work for all types parameter substitutions, not just for some.

Implement all functions with the following types:

f ∷  a → a
g ∷  a → b → a
h ∷  a → b

You have no real choice:

f x = x    -- a.k.a. id
g x y = x  -- a.k.a. const
h x = ???  -- nope...

(More fun stuff in “Theorems for free!” by P. Wadler)

Parametric Polymorphism VII

One can define a partial ordering on types: A type S is more general than a type T if there is a substitution for the type variables in S making it equal to T.

type S a b c = [(a, b  )] → c → Bool
type T x     = [(x, Int)] → x → Bool

S is more general than T: \([a \mapsto x, b \mapsto Int, c \mapsto x]\)

T is more special than S.” Or: “T is subsumed by S.”

The ubiquitous Hindley/Milner/Damas type system inferes the most general type of a term. 👍


Running example:

class Animal:
    def breed(self): pass

class Pet(Animal):
    def play(self): pass

class Cat(Pet):
    def purr(self): pass

Pet is a subtype of Animal, notation: Pet <: Animal

Mnemonic: There are fewer pets than animals.

Subtyping, part II

XX says: “Use behavioral subtyping!”

Liskov substitution principle (LSP), scary formulation:

Let ϕ(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then ϕ(y) should be true for objects y of type S <: T.

Class hierarchies are basically meaningless without it!

In other, simpler words: Do not use implementation hierarchies, use conceptual hierarchies.

Subtyping, part III

LSP in our running example:

  • Cats should be able to play and breed.
  • No funny NotImplementedErrors
  • No different meanings for the methods

“Whenever you expect an animal or a pet, you should be happy with a cat.” 😽

Row Polymorphism

Basic idea: As long as something has all the fields and/or methods I expect, I'm happy with it!

Not many details here, just hinting at some topics:

  • Duck typing (dynamic, Python)
  • Structural typing (static, TypeScript)
  • C++ templates (old-skool, without concepts)
    template <typename T>
    int foo(T f) { return f.bar(); }

Bounded Polymorphism

How can we type the following function, assuming that we don't want to have mixed types for x and y?

def longer(x, y):
    return x if len(x) >= len(y) else y

Fully parametric polymorphism doesn't work:

T = TypeVar('T')

def longer(x: T, y: T) -> T:  # Yay! "No mixing" is enforced.
    return x if len(x) >= len(y) else y

Claim: longer will work for all types T, which is a lie. There are objects without a __len__ method.

Bounded Polymorphism II

Next attempt, using the Sized protocol:

def longer(x: Sized, y: Sized) -> Sized:
    return x if len(x) >= len(y) else y

longer('abc', 'de')  # returns Sized
longer([1, 2], [3])  # returns Sized
longer('fg', [4])    # Hmmm...

Not a good solution, either:

  • We somehow forget the type we put into longer.
  • We allow the mixing of types.

Bounded Polymorphism III

Type bounds to the rescue!

T = TypeVar('T', bound=Sized)  # a class works here, too

def longer(x: T, y: T) -> T:
    return x if len(x) >= len(y) else y

longer('abc', 'de')  # returns str
longer([1, 2], [3])  # returns list[int]
longer('fg', [4])    # mypy complains!

(PRO TIP: If confused, ask mypy via reveal_type()!)

Using type classes for type bounds in Haskell:

max ∷ Ord a ⇒ a → a → a
max x y = if x >= y then x else y

Bounded Polymorphism IV

Bounded type parameters in Rust:

fn max<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> T {
    if x > y { x } else { y }

Alternative syntax:

fn max<T>(x: T, y: T) -> T
    where T: PartialOrd
    if x > y { x } else { y }

Just syntactic sugar, more readable when there are more and/or complicated type bounds

Bounded Polymorphism V

Bounded type parameters in Java:

public class Main {
   public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T max(T x, T y) {
      return x.compareTo(y) >= 0 ? x : y;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println(max("foo", "bar")); /* ⇒ "foo" */
      System.out.println(max(123, 456));     /* ⇒ 456   */
      System.out.println(max("huh?", 789));  /* nope!   */

In C++: Templates with concepts & constraints

Value Restrictions

“Bounded polymorphism” with unrelated classes:

AnyStr = TypeVar('AnyStr', str, bytes)

def concat(x: AnyStr, y: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
    return x + y

concat('a', 'b')       # OK, returns str
concat(b'a', b'b')     # OK, returns bytes
concat(1, 2)           # Error: neither str nor bytes
concat('foo', b'bar')  # Error: mixed types

Compare this to:

StrOrBytes = str | bytes
def broken(x: StrOrBytes, y: StrOrBytes) -> StrOrBytes:
    return x + y # Error: "+" can't concatenate str and bytes

Value restrictions can't be mixed with bound=...


Scary name for a basic question: What happens when parametric polymorphism and subtyping meet?

The LSP says: It's OK to pass an S when a T is expected and S <: T holds. (Remember the cats! 😺)

Now: Given a type Foo with a parameter, when is it OK to pass a Foo[S] when a Foo[T] is expected?

In other words: What is the relationship between Foo[S] and Foo[T] when S <: T?

Syntactic Excursion

Haskell's function type syntax is straightforward:

type funny = Int → Bool → Float

Modern C++'s syntax is finally bearable:

typedef float (*argl)(int, bool);               // 😱
using funny = std::function<float(int, bool)>;  // 😎

Python functions are uncurried, so no surprises here:

Funny = Callable[[int, bool], float]

Neither C++ nor Python let you reuse these synonyms for function definitions themselves ⇒ redundancy


PetProducer = Callable[[], Pet]

def usePP(pp: PetProducer) -> None:

def produceAnimal() -> Animal: return Animal()
def producePet() -> Pet: return Pet()
def produceCat() -> Cat: return Cat()

usePP(produceAnimal)  # Error! Animals can't play.
usePP(producePet)     # OK
usePP(produceCat)     # OK

Formally: Functions are covariant in their return type:

S <: T  ⇒  (() → S) <: (() → T)


PetConsumer = Callable[[Pet], None]

def usePC(pc: PetConsumer) -> None:

def consumeAnimal(a: Animal) -> None: a.breed()
def consumePet(p: Pet) -> None: p.play()
def consumeCat(c: Cat) -> None: c.purr()

usePC(consumeAnimal)  # OK
usePC(consumePet)     # OK
usePC(consumeCat)     # Error! Pets can't purr.

So functions are contravariant in their argument type:

S <: T  ⇒  (S → ()) :> (T → ())


PetTransformer = Callable[[Pet], Pet]

def usePetTransformer(pt: PetTransformer) -> None:
    pt(Pet()).breed();  pt(Pet()).play()
    pt(Cat()).breed();  pt(Cat()).play()

def transformAnimal(a: Animal) -> Animal: a.breed(); return a
def transformPet(p: Pet) -> Pet: p.play();  return p
def transformCat(c: Cat) -> Cat: c.purr();  return c

usePetTransformer(transformAnimal)# Error: Animals can't play
usePetTransformer(transformPet)   # OK
usePetTransformer(transformCat)   # Error: Pets can't purr.

If a type is used in an argument position and a return position, the function is invariant in this type. There is no subtyping relationship whatsoever.

Containers & Variance

Containers are producers/consumers too:

  • Read-only containers are producers of values.
  • Write-only containers (buffers) are consumers.
  • Read/write containers are both.

All the variance results from functions apply here, too:

  • Read-only containers ⇒ covariant
  • Write-only containers (buffers) ⇒ contravariant
  • Read/write containers ⇒ invariant

Containers & Variance II

Examples from the standard Python library:

  • Iterator[T], Sequence[T], and Set[T] are all read-only ⇒ covariant in T
  • tuple[T1,T2] is read-only ⇒ covariant in T1, T2
  • MutableSequence[T], list[T], MutableSet[T] are all read/write ⇒ invariant in T
  • Mapping[K,V] is invariant in K and covariant in V.
  • MutableMapping[K,V] and dict[K,V] are invariant in K and V.

Containers & Variance III

Actually, we have seen all of this before, because you can view containers as (tuples of) functions.

An extremely simple example, a one-element box:

def makeBox(p: Pet) -> tuple[PetProducer, PetConsumer]:
    box = p
    def put(v: Pet) -> None:
        nonlocal box
        box = v
    return (lambda: box, put)

get, put = makeBox(Cat())
get()       # ⇒ Cat
get()       # ⇒ Pet

Unions & Variance

Remember from logic: \(A \implies A \lor B\), so we have:

A <: (A | B) <: (A | B | C)

Special case:

A <: Optional[A] = A | None

The consequences are well-known:

  • If you claim to be able to handle an Optional[A], you must handle None somehow.
  • If you claim to return an Optional[A], returning an A is fine.

Calculating Variance

ConsumePetProducer = Callable[[Callable[[], Pet]], None] # 🤯
# Haskell: type ConsumePetProducer = (() → Pet) → ()

def useCPP(cpp: ConsumePetProducer) -> None:

def useAP(ap: Callable[[], Animal]) -> None: ap().breed()
def usePP(pp: Callable[[], Pet]) -> None: pp().play()
def useCP(cp: Callable[[], Cat]) -> None: cp().purr()

useCPP(useAP)  # OK
useCPP(usePP)  # OK
useCPP(useCP)  # Error: Pets can't purr. 🤔

Pet is used in a contravariant position here, but why?

Elementary school math to the rescue!

Calculating Variance II

For a type \(a \rightarrow b\) we have seen that \(a\) is used in a contravariant position and \(b\) is used in a covariant one.

Think about variance as a kind of “sign”:

  • covariant positions = positive (+)
  • contravariant positions = negative (-)

Then use the sign rules from elementary school:

(+) × (+) = (+), (-) × (+) = (-), (+) × (-) = (-), (-) × (-) = (+)

Calculating Variance III

Consider the function type:

\(\underbrace{(\underbrace{a}_- \rightarrow \underbrace{b}_+)}_- \rightarrow \underbrace{c}_+\)

So \(a\) and \(c\) are used in covariant positions, and \(b\) is used in a contravariant position.

Type Variables & Variance

mypy ties variance to type variables, not positions:

T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
T_contra = TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True)
T_inv = TypeVar('T_inv')

As a consequence, generic classes are very inflexible:

class Stack(Generic[T_inv]):
    def __init__(self) -> None: self.items: list[T_inv] = []
    def push(self, v: T_inv) -> None: self.items.append(v)
    def pop(self) -> T_inv: return self.items.pop()
    def empty(self) -> bool: return not self.items

Stack can only be used in an invariant way! 😢

Type Variables & Variance II

Looking back at our box example, one can work around this mypy flaw, but it's verbose:

class ReadableBox(abc.ABC, Generic[T_co]):
    def get(self) -> T_co: ...

class WritableBox(abc.ABC, Generic[T_contra]):
    def put(self, v: T_contra) -> None: ...

class MyBox(ReadableBox[T_inv], WritableBox[T_inv]):
    def __init__(self, v: T_inv): self._v = v
    def get(self) -> T_inv: return self._v
    def put(self, v: T_inv) -> None: self._v = v

This effectively triples the number of needed classes.

Type Variables & Variance III

Java ties variance to the use site, which is much more flexible.

A covariant example:

ArrayList<? extends Pet> pp;  // a Pet producer
pp = new ArrayList<Animal>(); // ERROR
pp = new ArrayList<Pet>();    // OK
pp = new ArrayList<Cat>();    // OK

Animal a = pp.get(0);         // OK
Pet p = pp.get(0);            // OK
Cat c = pp.get(0);            // ERROR

pp.add(new Animal());         // ERROR
pp.add(new Pet());            // ERROR
pp.add(new Cat());            // ERROR

Type Variables & Variance V

A contravariant example:

ArrayList<? super Pet> pc;     // a Pet consumer
pc = new ArrayList<Animal>();  // OK
pc = new ArrayList<Pet>();     // OK
pc = new ArrayList<Cat>();     // ERROR

Animal a = pc.get(0);          // ERROR
Pet p = pc.get(0);             // ERROR
Cat c = pc.get(0);             // ERROR

pc.add(new Animal());          // ERROR
pc.add(new Pet());             // OK
pc.add(new Cat());             // OK

Type Variables & Variance IV

Finally an invariant example:

ArrayList<Pet> ppc;             // a Pet producer/consumer
ppc = new ArrayList<Animal>();  // ERROR
ppc = new ArrayList<Pet>();     // OK
ppc = new ArrayList<Cat>();     // ERROR

Animal a = ppc.get(0);          // OK
Pet p = ppc.get(0);             // OK
Cat c = ppc.get(0);             // ERROR

ppc.add(new Animal());          // ERROR
ppc.add(new Pet());             // OK
ppc.add(new Cat());             // OK

The PECS Principle

Producer extends
Consumer super

Dispatching on Unions

Although Unions are not real algebraic data types, you can still dispatch on them, “peeling off” cases:

U = int | str | None

def strange(u: U) -> int:
    # u has type int | str | None
    if isinstance(u, int):
        return u // 2  # u has type int
    # u has type str | None
    if u is None:
        return 1234    # u has type None
    # u has type str
    return u.count('foo')

Avoid “Wishful Typing”

You can abuse assert to introduce typing backdoors:

U = int | str | None

def pray(u: U) -> int:
    # u has type int | str | None
    assert isinstance(u, str)
    # now u has type str
    return u.count('foo')

Don't do this! Fix your type, it's too permissive, i.e. wrong. Otherwise you wouldn't need the assert...

Casting is even worse, you won't get an exception early. Guaranteed debugging fun!

assert is slightly magic

The language spec defines

assert expression

to be equivalent to

if __debug__:  # True if -O commandline option not used
    if not expression: raise AssertionError

Mypy assumes that __debug__ is always true, as you can see in the pray() example.

This assumption is wrong in general and can bite you!

The Type of Types

You can use Type to talk about types, not values:

def twoPets(t: Type[Pet]) -> tuple[Pet,Pet]:
    return t(), t()

twoPets(Animal) # ERROR! Type is covariant in its argument.
twoPets(Pet)    # ⇒ tuple[Pet,Pet]
twoPets(Cat)    # ⇒ tuple[Pet,Pet]

A more precise typing for this would be:

P = TypeVar('P', bound=Pet)

def twoPets(t: Type[P]) -> tuple[P, P]:
    return t(), t()

twoPets(Pet)  # ⇒ tuple[Pet,Pet]
twoPets(Cat)  # ⇒ tuple[Cat,Cat]

The Type of Types II

Dispatching on values of type Type can be done via issubclass:

U = Type[Pet] | Type[Exception]

def obscure(u: U) -> int:
    # u has type Type[Pet] | Type[Exception]
    if issubclass(u, Pet):
        u().play()  # u has type Type[Pet] in this branch
        return 42
    # u has type Type[Exception]
    return len(u('foo').args)

Basically the same idea as we have seen before with isinstance for values.

“Any” is a lie

Avoid “Any” At All Costs

It is just meant as an escape hatch at the border to “untyped land”, easing transition of legacy code.

It claims to fulfill all your wishes, which is a lie:

cake: Any = 42
cake = "Trust me, I'm an int! >:-)"
doh: int = cake
ooops: list[float] = cake.a_funny_method(True, 3.14, None)

It is equivalent to casting (should be avoided, too!):

T = TypeVar('T')
def myCast(t: Type[T], v: Any) -> T: return v
s: str = myCast(str, 42)

Hidden “Any”s

If mypy doesn't find any stubs (.pyi files) and is told to ignore that fact, we get “Any”s all over the place:

import urllib3                     # type: ignore[import]
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', 'http://tribe29.com/robots.txt')
h = urllib3.HurzManager()          # mypy is happy, but...
reveal_type((urllib3, http, r, h)) # ⇒ tuple[Any,Any,Any,Any]

To fix this, find stubs in the typeshed repo on GitHub, or write stubs for yourself, or help mypy locally:

can_read1       = r.readable()  # ⇒ type is Any
can_read2: bool = r.readable()  # ⇒ type is bool

Stub Files

Writing stub files is easy: Just use the normal Python 3 syntax, but leave out “code” parts, replacing them with an ellipsis (...):

x: int                            # no assignment
def funky(code: str) -> int: ...  # no function body
class FooClass:
    def __init__(self, v: int) -> None: ...
    # no default value for b, just the fact that there is one
    def meth(self, a: bool, b: int = ...) -> str: ...

No need to type everything, just the subset used!

Place the .pyi file for a module at the corresponding place somewhere below a directoy in the MYPYPATH.

From Dicts to OO

Using dict[str,Any] all over the place has various severe problems:

  • You have no clue which keys are optional/required.
  • You have no clue whatsoever about the values.
  • It encourags a style of programming where you have data structures in an incomplete/invalid state.
  • dicts are just dumb data containers without any business logic, leading to old-skool imperative code.

The Long Trek to OO

Refactoring from dict[str,Any] to something saner is non-trivial, so let's do it in small steps:

  1. Use TypedDict to clarify keys/values. (much work!)
  2. Use NamedTuple for attribute syntax. (mechanical)
  3. Transform the NamedTuple into a real class by moving functionality into it. (creative/mechanical)
  4. Split the resulting class into manageable classes, separating different aspects. (creative/mechanical)


A TypedDict is a hint for the type checker, at runtime it's just a plain old dict.

p1 = {'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 42}  # old-skool dict

class Person(TypedDict):  # actually not a real class...
    name: str
    age: int

p2: Person =  {'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 42}
p3: Person =  {'name': 'John Doe'}  # ERROR! missing key age
p4 = Person(name='John Doe', age=42)

Remember: All TypedDicts are just dicts, so you can't distinguish them at runtime via isinstance. Tag them somehow if you must.

TypedDict and Typing

TypedDicts use a variation of structural typing:

def usePerson(pers: Person) -> None: pass
usePerson({'name': 'Jane Doe'})  # ERROR! missing key age
usePerson({'name': 'Jane Doe', 'age': 40})
usePerson({'name': 'Jane Doe', 'age': 40, 'x': 12})  # ERROR!

If all keys are optional, use total=False:

class Person2(TypedDict, total=False):
    name: str;  age: int
def usePerson2(pers: Person2) -> None: pass
usePerson2({'name': 'Jane Doe'})
usePerson2({'name': 'Jane Doe', 'age': 40})
usePerson2({'name': 'Jane Doe', 'age': 40, 'x': 12}) # ERROR!

If only some keys are optional, use subclassing. Or wait for Python 3.11, which provides (Not)Required.

Shotgun Parsing

From “The Seven Turrets of Babel: A Taxonomy of LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them”:

Shotgun parsing is a programming antipattern whereby parsing and input-validating code is mixed with and spread across processing code — throwing a cloud of checks at the input, and hoping, without any systematic justification, that one or another would catch all the “bad” cases.

Shotgun Parsing, Reloaded

Trying to find invalid input in the middle of processing it is bad:

  • Makes processing complex and highly confusing.
  • How to roll back in case of an error?

Cunning idea: Let's just validate everything upfront!

But this is still bad:

  • You lose information you've just figured out.
  • Validation and later usage is hard to keep in sync.

Validation Pitfalls

An example using a JSON value with key "color" and possible values "red", "green", or "blue":

value = json.loads('{"color": "red"}')  # type is Any

def validate(j: Any) -> None:
    c = j.get('color')
    if c is None:
        raise ValueError('missing key')
    if c not in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
        raise ValueError('wrong color')

def use(j: Any) -> int:  # clueless type 🤡
    return 42 if j['colour'] == 'bleu' else 314

validate(value)  # 👍
use(value)       # 💥

Parse, Don't Validate!

Make invalid state unrepresentable:

Color = Enum('Color', 'RED GREEN BLUE')

def parse(j: Any) -> Color:
    c = j.get('color')
    if c is None:  # for better error message only
        raise ValueError('missing key')
    if c == 'red': return Color.RED
    if c == 'green': return Color.GREEN
    if c == 'blue': return Color.BLUE
    raise ValueError('wrong color')

def use(c: Color) -> int:
    return 42 if c == Color.BLUE else 314


Use the data in the way you want, not in the way given.


Bibliography II